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Camping Oz 2017 - Pilbara

22nd April 2017

This post was copied from my site a site dedicated to my travel drone photography.

Karijini is a destination we have been looking forward to for a while. We are keen to get stuck into another one of our passions (other than drone photography); hiking.

Karijini National park offers some spectacular deep gorges you walk around, over and down into.

kelsie sitting on the edge of gorgekelsie sitting on the edge of gorge

AU0023 - Dales Gorge

The rocks here are billions of years old and stretch back to the birth of the planet. Infact hey are so old they done even have fossils in them because no life existed on Earth when they were formed.

mike walking through a very steep but narrow gorge mike walking through a very steep but narrow gorge

mike handstanding in a gorgemike handstanding in a gorge

I was fascinated by how these things can to exist as they form a pretty stark contrast to the mostly flat landscape around. Apparently (according to the Karijini Visitor Centre) they are created simply by the action of weathering from the water and plant life aided by the unique structure of the layered rocks.

mike discussing rock formationmike discussing rock formation

Theres nothing better than a nice refreshing swim in a cool pool after a long hot hike and Karijini is definately the place for that with each gorge ending in beautiful pools or waterfalls.

mike sat under a waterfallmike sat under a waterfall

mike flipping into kermit poolmike flipping into kermit pool

A common sight in the Pilbara are the kilometer-long iron ore trains and I was really keen to get a picture of them with the drone. I wasn't expecting to get two trains at once however:

two iron ore trainstwo iron ore trains

On the way out of Karijini we spent a coupple of nights in Millstream. There wasnt a whole bunch to do there but there was an excellent swimming creek which we took full advantage of.

kelsie paddling up the creekkelsie paddling up the creek

After a 6 days without a proper shower we are really keen to get to Broome where we will be staying with Kelsie's brother for a few days, but before that a coupple of nights at 80-mile beach, more on that soon!