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Started Work at TheBroth in Perth!

29th May 2015

Just a quick update. After a year of living down in Bunbury Western Australia and working Freelance and on my own projects (see this blog for more) I have decided to re-enter the workforce. Mainly because I was going a little stir crazy being by myself most of the day every day.


I have taken a job 2 hours north in Perth at a company called TheBroth. We mainly work on a mobile and web game called SlotsGalaxy. Its similar sort of work to which I was doing at Playdemic so hopefully my old skills arent too rusty :)

Im going to continue to work on my projects such as Mr Nibbles Forever and Post To Tumblr and my (still) unreleased strategy game but obviously time is going to be a little more limited.

I have enjoyed the past year mostly but I think it was time for a change and im looking forward to the next year!