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Campin Oz 2017 - Exmouth

20th April 2017

This post was copied from my site a site dedicated to my travel drone photography.

After the beautiful but fly-infested Shark Bay I was so happy to get the Exmouth and experience some of the beautiful corals and beaches. Unfortunately however the swimming gods weren't on my side for the 4 days we were here as the entire coast was infested with stinging red jellyfish and deadly Irukandji jellyfish.

jellyfish in waterjellyfish in water

Because snorkeling was a no go I decided instead to book myself into a scuba diving trip, I havent done one since Columbia 3 years ago but I was told by several people that the Navy Pier dive was not to be missed in Exmouth.

Unfortunately the visibility was a little low while we were there which took a little bit out of the experience but still I enjoyed swimming with the incredibly varied wildlife.

starfish polestarfish pole

white tip sharkwhite tip shark

We were also beset with electrical troubles in our trailer and thus were forced to spend a day with it in the garage with electrical specialists.

In the end I didnt do too much drone flying during our stay there. I did get some nice videos of Kelsie while she paddled down Yardie Creek but those will have to wait for a later edit.

yardie creekyardie creek

Well thats it for now, next stop is Karrijini park and the beautiful gorge walks and lots of red dust, stay tuned!