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New Indie Game: Mr Nibbles 3D

3rd July 2014

In-between the downtime of the main game (yet to be announced) I decided to experiment around with an idea I had a while ago.

A couple of years ago I released a totally free game Mr Nibbles, a project I worked on with a colleague from Playdemic. As part of my employment contract at Playdemic I was unable to make any money from games produced in my spare time so I decided to run the project as a challenge to myself; could I make a cross-platform mobile game in 3 weeks of evenings and weekends? Well it actually took 5 weeks but I was pretty happy with the result. Currently it has 25k downloads on android:


And 23k on iOS


Not bad considering we did no marketing whatsoever.

So I decided why not use some of the skills I have developed with Unity and have a go at making a 3D version? It turns out it was a lot easier to prototype that I thought. The above video is the result after just a few short hours.

I took the original 4 levels and wrote a converter that reproduced each tile in the original 2D level as a cube in the new 3D level. It was very simple but it got me thinking, why restrict it to the one rotation axis like in the 2D version? What if Mr Nibbles could move into out of the world too? A few hours later and I had quickly prototyped the many-axis concept:

This definitely has potential. Stay tuned for further posts on the development of the side-project.